
Crysis 2 - Be the Weapon

In this latest showing of Cyteks most recent work of art, they show off the different modes of the suit. Those who have played a previous Cysis title will already be familiar with how they work. Its a pretty badass trailer and the nine inch nails music blends fluidly with the badassery!


Anti-Viral Meltdown

Like most computer users i run an anti-virus program for the obvious reasons. They protect against a number of viscous programing on the web and actually more commonly from flash drives that could potentially harm our computers or even ourselves by data collecting.


Cable TV, Who Needs It Anyways!

With options and choices, brings more competition and better services. This ultimately leads to the downfall of the weaker services and the up rise in the greater services. Its basic economics, but as of late its having a big effect on cable companies. Just in Q3 of this year, Comcast alone lost over 275,000 customers subscribing to basic cable. Sure you can factor in tough economic times and people cutting costs of luxuries at the home, but when you look at the stats of the up rise of other competing services, it’s clear, cable is on the downfall.


Bioshock Infinite!

Bioshock inifinte is still a long ways away from release, but what has been shown to the public so far is very tantalizing! check out the first gameplay trailer right here!


Brink Dev Diaries

Check out these Developer Diaries from Brink. It really says alot about a game when the people behind it are this enthusiastic about thier work and show it off in this fashion. I am a huge fan of the recent trend of Dev Diaries, they're almost sort of like those extra features you'd find on a special edition DVD and hope to see much more in the future from other developers as well. Watch the diaries below for in-depth look on the development and production of Brink - coming in spring 2011!


Halo Live Action Short

Like the title states its a short of what someone put together of a glimpse at what a halo movie could look like in the future. I like it, its awesome, and a Halo movie would just blow this away, but we can dream cant we. check it out below in all its glory!


Death Spank 2

Death Spank was one of, if not the most fun ive had in an Xbox Live Arcade game. Good news is, even if you beat the first one the fun isnt going to stop there. They are making more of them, and even better yet, the second one will be out in a matter of weeks, Sept. 21st to be exact. check out the video below of sequel!

Double Rainbow

Did you ever see that double rainbow video on youtube that became pretty infamous. i honestly never did, but you can catch up with the rest of the internet here.


Halo Reach Live Action Trailer - This Time With Action!

After a somewhat disappointing live-action trailer, Birth of a Spartan, featuring a spartan soldier walking down a hall to glimpse at his armour in its case, we finally get a live-action trailer that features some action. I still have high hopes Bungie will come out with something else live-action before the game releases sept. 14th! 

Aperture Laboratories Presents

Portal 2 on Feb 9th 2011


Do You Have a Need for Speed?

Ive been a fan of the NFS series since the original on the PC. The original games were so great, i always preferred NFS games over Gran Tourismo or any other brandings. It was the unique gameplay of the NFS scene that gained my interest in racing games. The most recent game in the series, Shift, was a complete redesign of the gameplay. At first i hated the game, but after a while of playing it i began to like it, but never more so than the classic gametype. So i am incredibly stoked they are bringing back a classic game like hot pursuit. Even better the studio that brought us Burnout Paradise is developing the game. But for those that like the gamestyle in Shift better, fear not, Shift 2 will be released in 2011. Check out these Hot Pursuit 2 videos below!

From Dust an Intriguing Xbox Live Arcade Game

This is the First ive heard of this game "From Dust" but it looks spectacular! It looks like a very graphically intense physics based game where you literally change the world around you. I'm really excited to see more about this game in the future!

New Fear 3 Gameplay Trailer

Fear 3 supports multiplayer as point man or Fettel. Point Man being able to slow down time to shoot the bad guys. Fettel with the more unique skill set, being able to shoot red energy projectiles from his hands or pick someone up with a telekinesis ability and rip them apart. Will the multiplayer action take away from the fear of surprise you get from being alone, time will only tell, but for now check out the intense action in the trailer below.