
Whats New

Assassins Creed - Brotherhood! new game featuring Ezio again... Possible Multiplayer-online co-op action..no real details on it yet tho. Probably a 2011 release im guessing, and most likely a good amount of detail on it to come at E3.

Halo Reach saw over 1 Million Gamers on the first day! Pretty impressive considering the server issues and the fact its purely just a beta. while i wasn't that impressed with the beta so far, there definitely are some interesting things worth checking out if you haven't already. I dont see Reach multiplayer ever taking place over H3 if Bungie doesn't change some things up, but hey thats what a beta is for...
Need For Speeds new title for the fall had some leaked out news that the series is going back to its roots, the way with cop chases and what not. Hot Pursuit. loved that game, loved most wanted, Underground series never quite did it for me, and shift was too much into the forza realm. I welcome this change back to the way the series used to be, purely fun.
Red Dead Redemptions first DLC in June will be free, not sure what to expect from the dlc since the game hasnt even come out yet, but its free, and thats always a good thing.
L4D2 realism versus mode is going to be made permenant, despite the fact i was in the minority (20%) that voted no. the game mode is alright i was just holding out to make something else permanent, you know, like chainsaw massacre!
Alan wake to fix, what many reviews are calling its only single flaw, for its dlc. Its flaw if you didn't already know is the lip syncing of its character models. other than that one flaw most reviewers are calling the game brilliantly amazing.
Those are the gaming updates over the last few days that i have been busy testing the beta, you know which one...

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